Explication of the National Identity of the Ukrainian Community in Reports on North American Radio in 1933

T. Hirina


The purpose of the article is to trace the peculiarities of conversational radio programs organized by Ukrainians in the countries of North America in 1933.

The research methodology is based on the use of general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, as well as deductive and observational methods; implementation of historiographical, method of monitoring archival sources, clipping of individual messages according to the specified search parameters, content analysis of almost a hundred detected materials on the topic of intelligence.

Results. As a result of the research, the priority of musical content over broadcast radio programs created by Ukrainians in the USA and Canada in 1933 was established. Outside of it artists (mostly writers and composers), conversation with the listener on spiritual and religious topics. Particular attention was paid to the events in the homeland, the actualization of the Ukrainian agenda in the global political arena, which was especially exacerbated by famine in the country. Rarely on the air of such radio programs could be heard humorous scenes in the form of sketches on entertaining or sharp socio-political topics. The critique of such radio programs by the contributors of the periodicals of that time is comprehended and the visible process of institutionalization of Ukrainian radio hours on the air of radio stations of other countries is emphasized.

Novelty. For the first time in the scientific discourse the thematic, genre, semantic potential of conversational Ukrainian radio programs in the information space of North America in 1933 was analyzed in detail.

The practical significance of the research results lies in the introduction into the scientific, popular science discourse of documentary evidence of the formation of the world Ukrainian-language radio system in the context of its spoken content in the information space of North America in 1933.

Key words: radio report, radio broadcast, world Ukrainian radio broadcasting, sketch, Ukrainian-language radio program.


Vidchyt i knyzhka [Report and book]. (1933). Svoboda, 241, 2 [in Ukrainian].

Visty z Sichovoho bazaru «Surmy» [News from the Sich Bazaar «Surma»]. (1933). Svoboda, 125, 4 [in Ukrainian].

Visty z Sichovoho bazaru «Surmy» [News from the Sich Bazaar «Surma»]. (1933). Svoboda, 149, 4 [in Ukrainian].

Visty z Sichovoho bazaru «Surmy» [M.S. News from the Sich Bazaar «Surma»]. (1933). Svoboda, 233, 4 [in Ukrainian].

Molodenki frantsuzy vyholosyly virshi Shevchenka na radio [Young French people sang Shevchenko’s poems on the radio]. (1933). Svoboda, 141, 1 [in Ukrainian].

Poslukhaite [Listen]. (1933). Svoboda, 277, 4 [in Ukrainian].

Promova d-ra S. Demydchuka v radio prohramu Surmy z Niu Yorku v spravi holodu na Ukraini [Speech by Dr. S. Demydchuk on the radio program of Antimony from New York on the famine in Ukraine]. (1933). Svoboda, 269, 3 [in Ukrainian].

Radio prohrama v pam’iat Shevchenka v Fyladelfii [Radio program in memory of Shevchenko in Philadelphia]. (1933). Svoboda, 64, 4 [in Ukrainian].

Surmach M. Misiats Shevchenka na radio [Trumpet M. The moon of Shevchenko on the radio]. (1933). Svoboda, 56, 4 [in Ukrainian].

Trembliak I. Ukrainski hodyny na Radio [Tremblyak I. Ukrainian hours on the Radio]. (1933). Svoboda, 66, 3 [in Ukrainian].

Ukrainska prohrama na radio. [Ukrainian program on the radio]. (1933). Svoboda, 114, 4 [in Ukrainian].

Ukrainska prohrama na radio. [Ukrainian program on the radio]. (1933). Svoboda, 125, 4 [in Ukrainian].

Ukrainska prohrama na radio. [Ukrainian program on the radio]. (1933). Svoboda, 138, 4 [in Ukrainian].

Ukrainska radio-hodyna [Ukrainian radio hour]. (1933). Svoboda, 251, 4 [in Ukrainian].

Shcho my robyly by bez hazet? [What would we do without newspapers?]. (1933). Svoboda, 180, 2 [in Ukrainian].

Radio [Radio]. (1933). Svoboda, 258, 4 [in Ukrainian].

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2021.4(48).4


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