Environmental Education by TV Travel Show «Heads and Tails. Wonders of the World» 2020 – First Half of 2021
Purpose of the study: to contribute to improving the quality of environmental education by television for the formation of an environmental outlook, environmental culture of TV viewers.
Methodology. The methodological basis of the research was formed by the types of scientific analysis of the content of the TV programs «Heads and Tails. Wonder of the World» 2020 – the first half of 2021 about foreign national parks, especially: system analysis, content analysis, comparison, synthesis. A descriptive method was used to show the role, functions, and significance of national natural parks in environmental education of the travel show «Heads and Tails. Wonders of the World». Content analysis helped to identify the types of ecotourism and specific methods of television environmental education. The method of comparing statistical data for the three semesters of the research period helped to identify trends in environmental education.Results. Environmental education in the travel show «Heads and Tails. Wonders of the world» is a demonstration of impressive landscapes, unique flora and fauna as a visual environmental education for education and formation of an ecological culture of TV viewers. The issues of the travel show «Heads and Tails. Wonders of the World» covered foreign travels to 5 reserves, 20 national parks of all continents which are protected by UNESCO as outstanding natural values of humanity, where the presenters really and financially contribute to the conservation of animals.Foreign national parks are described as unique nature conservation areas adapted for various types of ecotourism, environmental education, which have special cognitive, scientific, historical, cultural, recreational value, where museums, observation platforms, places for extreme sports and extreme entertainment are located.
The novelty of the research is in a new subject of reproduction – environmental education of the travel show «Heads and Tails. Wonders of the World» 2020 – the first half of 2021; new objects of research – national natural parks as protected areas, showing the protection of the environment from clogging, excessive exploitation, the harmful effects of mass tourism, the peculiarities of television infotainment as a combination of ecological and cognitive function, with rehabilitation and entertainment during extreme sports, extreme entertainment on the territory national parks.
Key words: environmental education, environmental outlook, environmental culture, travel show «Heads and Tails. Wonders of the World», infotainment, national parks.Full Text:
PDF (Українська)References
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2021.4(48).5
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