Transformation of Information Receptions in the Content of All-Ukrainian TV Channels

I. Putzyata


The purpose of the article is to study the ways of transforming infotainment techniques that are currently used in news stories and news broadcasts of all-Ukrainian TV channels.

The methodology of this study is determined based on the objectives of this study and includes: study and generalization of theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of infotainment in scientific literature; the use of the abstract-analytical, inductive-deductive, comparative method for structuring theoretical material, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis (necessary when working with news content), a descriptive method, which was used in the analysis of information technology techniques in news journalism.

The results of the study are a description of the methods of infotainment, as well as the determination of the prospects for its development. It was determined that in Ukraine, infotainment in its most complete form exists in two formats: information and entertainment (morning shows, author’s news TV programs) and informational and publicistic (news releases, various journalistic investigations and journalistic projects).

At the same time, in a practical aspect, infotainment is in the process of constant transformation, creating new forms of not only supplying, but also receiving information. In this regard, infotainment is a series of techniques that together form the phenomenon under study itself, transforming it into a social and communicative phenomenon that determines the form and content of modern television news discourse.

Thus, to the elements of novelty in this article, we refer to the classification and description of the existing forms of presentation of news materials that have arisen as a result of the transformation of infotainment, as well as the determination of ways of its further development in the Ukrainian news television space.

Key words: infotainment, news, transformation, techniques, finishing, event action, shock, standards, moral norms.


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