Genre Differentiation of Service-Expert Programs within the General Genre-Specific Division of Ukrainian Television
The aim of the study is to determine the general genre-specific pertain and genre dominants of service-expert programs on Ukrainian television.
Research methodology. The research used methods of analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalization, as well as monitoring, content analysis to determine the genre pertain of service-expert programs of own production of highly rated nation-wide TV channels and genre dominants inherent in this type of journalism.
Results. The genre differentiation of modern Ukrainian television, which is enshrined in the Law of Ukraine «On Television and Radio Broadcasting», in the recommendations to licensees from the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine and offered by journalism specialists, is considered. Based on the theoretically substantiated characteristics of television genres and their groups, as well as on empirical data from the monitoring of nation-wide air content, the common features of service-expert programs with documentaries (information-analytical, artistic-analytical), entertaining and educational programs are determined. At the same time, service-expert programs can comprehensively combine features inherent in documentary, educational and entertainment television. As a result of the content analysis, the genre pertain of service-expert programs presented on Ukrainian highly rated television and their genre dominants were established.
Novelty. For the first time, the place of service-expert programs in the general genre-specific division of television broadcasting was studied and genre dominants were empirically determined.
Practical meaning. The results of the research can be used in the practice of television production of service-expert programs, in particular, taken into account when developing concepts and plots of programs.
Key words: service-expert programs, Ukrainian television, genre, show, reality show.
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