Satirical and Humorous Texts of the Ukrainian Blogosphere as a Means of Reality Representa-tion

N. Tiapkina, M. Sarapii


The purpose of the study is to characterize satirical and humorous texts of the Ukrainian blogosphere as a tool for representation of reality and manifestation of citizen journalism.

Research methodology. To study the blogosphere a set of methods was used: method of analysis and synthesis, systematization of data and data interpretation. A revision of the literature on the creation of satirical and humorous effect in the blogosphere was made, it was considered scientific publications about blogs, their place in the public information space and their usage as a tool for representation reality. Content on YouTube was used for the analysis, in particular, channels that present satirical and humorous texts of the national segment on the analyzed platform. An online poll was conducted in order to identify popular blogs. The interpretative method demonstrated the dependence of satirical and humorous texts about social issues on the current political situation in the country and the author’s subjective assessment of the occurring events.

Results. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, the characteristics of the blog as an image of reality and a means of reality representation are highlighted. Popular satirical and humorous blogs are outlined, their functions and ways of creating a comic effect are characterized and justificated. The blogosphere in the media system is a powerful element of communication and an instrument of conveying information. Through the wide involvement of recipients blogosphere creates stereotypes, instructions, prejudices in society, as well as reduces or increases social tension. Satirical and humorous texts are important channel for transferring information from the author to the audience and at the same time a means of communication between the recipients themselves. Bloggers are able to involve the audience in communication, as well as to make informational, emotional impact through their texts. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the crucial importance of the blogosphere for consumers of content, including satirical and humorous. The study identified the dominant functions of popular satirical and humorous blogs by Alexei Durnev, BAMPER TV, Michael Schur Toronto Television on YouTube video hosting and outlined the actual component of the analyzed texts.

Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the process of working on courses in «Journalism» in the study of applied social and communication technologies; formation of competencies related to the creation of effective texts in social media, as well as media practices for understanding the tools of reality representation in the modern information space.

Key words: blog, blogosphere, satirical and humorous text, reality, citizen journalism.


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