Internet Mem as a Component of Mediariality

L. Cherniavska, A. Kutova


The purpose of the study is to consider memes as a component of media reality in scientific discourse and to find out the prospects of memo-creativity in the Ukrainian media space.

Research methodology. The basis of the study is systematization, analysis and synthesis, interpretation methods.

Results. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, the autors characterize the meme as a visual image of media reality and communication unit are highlighted. The functions of memes and perspectives of memoir creation as a form of interaction with the audience are singled out and substantiated. Journalistic materials today are not limited of traditional forms, journalists use this type of media texts as a news meme. The form of memes allows you to briefly and accurately describe the phenomenon, fact, event, such visual images are involved in the formation of media reality. The authors analyzed such media projects as «Toronto Television» and «Novinach» is considered, each of which forms the agenda of the Ukrainian media space and creates a public resonance of facts. The components of meme success that contribute to its greatest popularity are highlighted. The existence of a meme is possible only with the participation of users who distribute it, comment on it, and its task is to provoke a reaction, to encourage the audience to interact.

Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in the process of studying courses on communication, formation of media reality in the specialties «Journalism», «Advertising and Public Relations», «Information Business», as well as media practitioners in matters of interaction with the audience.

Key words: meme, media reality, memoir, social network community, anti-discrimination practices, news, internet communication, media meme, digital media, visual image.


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