Internet Media Promotion Tools (Regional Practices)

A. Baranetska, I. Kramarenko


The purpose of the study is to identify modern trends in the promotion of Internet media (on the example of regional media).

Research methodology. The methods of analysis and synthesis were used for studying the theoretical and methodological base on the promotion of Internet periodicals. In the research comprehension of modern ways for promoting online media was made with the help of such methods as reception and generalization. To cover the promotion of Internet periodicals, descriptive method was used. This article suggests the results of conducted survey that has become a source of empirical information in identifying dominant instruments for content promotion in regional Internet media.

Results. The article shows the phenomenon of promotion as a marketing factor in improving the functional efficiency of Internet media and also the research comprehensively describes the trends of applying variety of promotion tools. The main positions of regional media specialists in the application of various methods of promoting an information product are reproduced. It was revealed that the dominant trends in the promotion of regional (Zaporizhzhya) online media are news aggregators Ukrnet , Google News and social networks. The advantages and disadvantages of using certain tools in positioning online publications are revealed. The basic directions of active presence visibility of the   online media in the information market are formulated. Potential threats to reduce the number of visitors to the online media site have been revealed. New ways of attracting the audience's attention are indicated: new formats of text presentation, use of multimedia, creation of interactive forms of interaction with readers, hypertext, attraction of other electronic resources.

The scientific novelty of obtained results is to identify the most up-to-date and often used ways of promoting regional information product and to generalize dominant trends in their use.

Practical meaning. The given study can be useful to people in media in the process of planning and implementing media and content promotion.

Key words: media promotion, Internet media, SEO-optimization, mass media, social networks, search engine optimization, news aggregators.


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