Application of Intent Analysis in Research of Network Communication Discourse
The aim of our study is to identify the methodological potential of intent analysis to study the discourse of network communication in its receptive aspect.
Methods of Research. The goal and objectives of the study led to the choice of relevant general scientific research methods such as analysis and synthesis, generalisation of areas of application of intent analysis, which were proposed in various scientific fields, as well as extrapolation of the results into the plane of social communications. The method of observation, which allowed to identify the leading intentions of network discourse, and the method of systematisation of the identified modes of the intentional field of communicators were also valid. At the theoretical level, the methodological potential of intent analysis in the study of network communication discourse was determined.
Results. The generalisation of the application of intent analysis in relevant areas of social communications allowed us to draw conclusions about the heuristic potential of this method in the study of network discourse as a product of spontaneous communication, characterised by a high level of reflexivity and emotionality. The study of the receptive aspect of network communication in contrast to professional forms of interpersonal interaction is not possible without taking into account the intentional component of communication. The online environment provides researchers with a significant subject-matter field for studying the emotional responses of the general public to today’s issues. The intentions of self-presentation and depreciation, which demonstrate the subject-object and object-subject dimensions of network interaction and reveal the most common communication strategies, are the most expressed.
Novelty. For the first time it is proposed to use intent analysis to study the discourse of network communication in its receptive aspect, emphasising the discursive characteristics of social networks that require intentional interpretation.
Practical significance. The results and conclusions can be used to optimise the methodological base in the study of the network communication, identify its manipulative potential, technological use of social networks in the image programs of the state and the process of improvement of the information climate of the society.
Key words: intentions, intent analysis, intentional field, discourse, network communication, communication strategies.
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