The Phenomenon of the Multimodal Service Media Text of the Communication Platform
The aim of the article is to investigate the issue of multimodal media text, which is now popular among authors and creators of content communication platforms.
Research methodology. In the course of the research a descriptive method was used to outline modern current scientific approaches to the study of the issue, comparative method – to compare scientific views and derive the author’s definition.
Results. The definition of modern researchers is given and the author’s own vision of the «multimodal media text» concept and its derivative – «multimodal service media text» is offered. Emphasis is placed on the need to identify and classify the term for the «Applied Social Communication Technologies» field, due to the spread of Internet communications and the growing popularity of communication platforms. The need to study multimodal service media text in view of its versatility, polythematic, diverse structure and other features inherent in the media texts of the network is noted. Attention is paid to different categories of mechanisms of perception of the visual component of the service media text. Multimodal service media text is presented as an applied unit of modern communication processes. Its informative and communicative properties are revealed. The ways of formation of communication modality of modern Internet platforms are outlined. The modern phenomenon of multimodality is described, which is formed taking into account two factors: communication processes and hypertext. The necessity of correct construction of the communication platforms’ content taking into account the multimedia nature of the text is substantiated. The mechanism of functioning of communication platforms capable of synthesizing different types of modal content (video, audio, photo, animation, textual) is studied.
Scientific novelty. Communication multimodality is positioned in the article as a complex formation of symbols and code synthesis of different categories: linguistic and extralinguistic factors. All this gives grounds to study multimodal media text in social communications of the Internet sphere, where the text is now multimedia. It is offered to classify and structure the types of multimodal content according to the thematic orientation of the communication platform: culture, sports, politics, beauty industry, travel topics, etc.
Practical meaning. The results of the study can be used in the educational process in the «Journalism» specialty.
Key words: communication platform, multimodal media text, service media text, internet communications.
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