Higher Education Site as an Element of Communication
The purpose of the study is to identify the specifics of using the site of the university as a channel of communication, which provides the formation and implementation of information potential of the institution in the transition to the information society.
Research methodology. The article is devoted to the problem of growing interest in visualization, which is due to the significant requirements of modern communication. There is no doubt that the «escalation of the image» is not only a qualitatively new process of development of speech communication, but also meets the priority needs of modern youth. In this way, the postmodern world focuses on the visual way of presenting information. Methods of observation and description were used to solve the tasks.
Results. The paper argues that new means of communication cause a new perception of information. The development of scientific and technological progress, the dynamism of life, increasing the amount of information and accelerating the pace of response to it, etc. forces a person to receive, remember, study, process large amounts of information in a new alternative format; time and conditions of existence often violate the linearity of information, forcing to work with it simultaneously, quickly, switching from fragment to fragment, from one information flow to another. The Internet as a channel of communication, as a space where the virtual interaction and functioning of objects and subjects of all spheres of society, inevitably interacts with each of them. The criterion of modernity and ability to use computer technology to represent the capabilities of the university can be the level of preparation and development of the site of the educational institution and its representation on the Internet, in particular its focus on the youth audience. The daily growth of volumes and types of information that need to be quickly interpreted and analyzed requires new forms of information presentation that would facilitate the process of perception and memorization.
Novelty. Modern tendencies of informatization and digitalization of educational process actualize necessity of introduction and use of electronic educational resources, technologies of remote interaction in educational process,
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the planning and development of university websites.
Key words: communication, language, thinking, site structure, information.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2021.4(48).14
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