Entertainment Television Programs Preparation as a Component of Online Learning
The purpose of the study is to find out what types of entertainment TV programs can be conducted under conditions of online learning, as well as to offer several practical cases of television programs on entertainment topics with identified features of their use in an online format.
Research methodology. The article uses such general methods as analysis of the literature on the subject, comparative analysis of achievements among scientists and in comparison, with the opinions of practicing journalists, description of the TV program, its rules and participants within practical cases, generalization of entertainment programs approbation under conditions of the educational process that takes place online.
During the approbation of practical cases on entertainment programs process, the method of problem-based learning was actively used, in particular the method of role plays and the method of simulation, which help involved students to recreate a real entertainment TV program with all actors.
Results. Within the entertainment television programs in the context of online learning the preparation process, we have developed practical cases of three different types of programs – talk show «Without Illusion and Deception», an entertainment program with elements of storytelling «What happened next?» and the intellectual program «The Smartest Student». Using the methods of role-playing and simulation, the following features of their conduct in online classes were clarified: talk show «Without illusion and deception» is difficult for students to get used to the role of guests if they are far from their own experience; thorough training of experts is required, who should be well versed in factual information; to a large extent the success of the game depends on the skill of the host; in an entertaining television program with elements of storytelling «What happened next?» the main success depends on the narrators-participants’ skill of the program, who must have a good voice, excellent intonation, know the composition of the story and follow it, create intrigue and keep it until a certain moment; in the intellectual program «The smartest student» the presenter must think carefully about the questions and skillfully manage the process – to push to the right answer, to appeal to logical thinking and associative connections;
Novelty. The most successful entertainment program, which was used as part of online learning, was a project with elements of storytelling «What’s next?» One of the keys to the success of this project is that the student participants have known each other for a long time, and some have even known each other’s childhood stories because they are his or her friend. On the other hand, the game was very useful for each participant, because each student learns to tell stories meaningfully, interestingly, and clearly. In the online format, the requirements for diction, voice strength, intonation are increasing, as technical means contribute to the distortion of sound.
Practical significance. Practical cases of entertainment television programs have been developed, they can be used both during the teaching of disciplines «Special course on entertainment topics» and during the preparation of entertainment television programs.
Key words: entertainment journalism, entertainment television programs, online learning, role-playing method, simulation method, practical cases of entertainment television programs.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2021.4(48).18
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