«Old – New» Urbanonyms in the Communicative Space of the Dnieper: to the Problem of Re-ception

L. Temchenko, I. Bucharska


The aim of the article is to study the urbanonyms of the city of Dnipro as a fact of historical communication, in which the values returned and formed by modern society are passed on to the next generation through the nomination of spatial units of culture (time through space); to trace the process of decommunization in the city of Dnipro as a fact of social communication, which allows to determine its current quality and degree of transparency.

The research methodology is determined by the purpose of the work: the theoretical basis of the work was a well-developed theory of chronotope (M. Bakhtin, 1975) in its social dimension, when «social space generates social time, which, in turn, manifests itself through social space»; the value aspect of modern urbanonyms is determined by the method of comparison with the historical names of urban space.

The results of the study allow us to admit that the process of decommunization (Ukrainization) of urban space in the post-Maidan period was somewhat chaotic and spontaneous. The scientific basis of the process of renaming squares and streets of the city of Dnipro has been well developed by historians, but has not always been used effectively by the city authorities. The process of communication between the three groups – the government, historians, citizens – was not optimally organized, which led if not to the rejection of new names of squares and streets by city dwellers, then to lack of interest in decommunization (Ukrainization) and, consequently, unwillingness to change their language habits.

The scientific novelty is the consideration of urbanonyms as, on the one hand, a discussion topic for the modern communicative space of Ukraine, on the other hand, as messages to future generations about Ukrainian values formed in the first thirty years of Ukrainian independence.

The practical significance of the study in identifying the complexities and contradictions of the multilevel process of decommunization (Ukrainization), which the country is undergoing at the present stage of development.

Key words: social chronotope, cultural communication, urbanonyms, historical experience, historical heritage.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2021.4(48).19


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