Social Networks as a form of Communicative Space for the Child
The aim of our study is to analyze the impact of social media on the socialization of adolescents. For this purpose the main tasks included: review of the source base devoted to the specified problem; finding out the importance of social networks for modern adolescents; determination of the predominant type of sensory perception of information; analysis of the peculiarities of interaction between adolescents as users of social networks and contextually-targeted advertising.
Methodology. The methodology of our study includes: empirical research, observation, interview, survey. In particular, the empirical research was conducted in the pupil environment of the general secondary education institution of Kyiv with the involvement of 205 people – pupils of 6–8 grades aged 11 to 14 years. The selected psychodiagnostic arsenal introduced the use of included observation and interview, S. Yefremtsev’s method for determining the leading type of perceptual modality, as well as the author’s questionnaire «The impact of contextual advertising on the modern user of social networks».
Results. The article reveals the problem of children’s interaction with social networks. It has been established that this type of interaction is especially close during the adolescent period of the genesis of existence. The determinants of this phenomenon are the separation of the individual from the influence of parents, the need for personal space, private and confidential, as well as the leading type of activity for this age group – intimate-personal communication.
It was found that the problem of interaction of adolescents with social media has been repeatedly analyzed by Ukrainian and foreign scolars. In particular, in most cases, the results proved its destructive effect on the personality of adolescents.
The results confirmed the fact of active integration of adolescents with social networks and made it possible to differentiate their preferences according to age parameters in relation to a particular media resource. In addition, it was possible to establish a correlation between the type of perceptual modality and the characteristics of the respondents’ behavior on social networks.
Novelty. With this background the novelty of the work is that for the first time it have been studied not only the peculiarities of adolescent communication with social networks, but also advertising as a communication phenomenon between young people on the Internet.
Practical significance of the work and the results of the study can be used in the process of studying the courses «Mass Media Competence» and «Contemporary Social Networks» of specialties «Journalism» and «Advertising».
Key words: adolescence, gadget, virtual information space, online communication, social media, social networks, child, targeted advertising.
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