Features of Development of Cognitive Technologies in Mass Media

S. Kotliar, O. Krasnenko


The purpose of the work. This article aims to predict and substantiate the possible consequences of the active use of cognitive technologies in the media, social networking platforms, etc. for the economy and society.

Research methodology. The leading method in this study is systems analysis, which can be used to decompose cognitive technologies in the media into elements. Also, in the process of writing this article were used such research methods as: the method of logical analysis, comparative method, methods of synthesis and deduction, the method of classification.

Results. The article presents the results of the analysis. The application of cognitive technologies in the field of mass media has greatly expanded the opportunities for development in this area. The use of modern information technology in the media allows less effort to increase the loyalty of its target audience, expand their market presence through new placement platforms and social networks, provide customer support and some accompanying and supporting functions for media workers through software, significantly reduce the cost of operating the company by automating it, and perform many other tasks. The results are presented in the form of lists, figures and tables.

Novelty. For the first time the main advantages and risks of development of modern mass media for society and economy in the context of cognitive technologies are systematized in the work.

Practical significance. The materials of the article are of practical value for teachers and students of the faculties of mass media, specialties related to media management, information technology.

Key words: artificial intelligence, mass media, data management, social networks, news.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2022.1(49).2


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