Organization of Business Meetings as a Factor of Effective Communication in Reference and Office Activities
The purpose of the study is to analyze the typology of business meetings as a factor of effective communication in reference and office activities.
Research methodology. In the course of the research the theoretical methodological case was used: classification method (types of meetings, types of formats), system-value approach through the prism of compliance with the core values of «organization health» and «corporate culture»).
Results. The article provided the classic classifications of meetings were presented, P. Lensioni’s theory of types of meetings was highlighted: administrative, tactical, strategic, development-related, argued the ineffectiveness of the so-called «meeting rage» (according to P. Lensioni). It was found that the formation of the agenda, the use of the evaluation card of tactical meetings, document regulation, verification of strategic «anchors» at «field» meetings, inviting experts, consultants, cascading communication, strengthening the functions of the company’s communicator (assistant manager, consultant, information specialist) ) – the main focuses of achieving the benefits of business communication.
The scientific novelty of intelligence lies in the identified need to organize business meetings in reference and office activities as a factor of effective communication, taking into account the value approach of corporate culture, current trends in the typology of meetings and their formats.
Practical significance. Analyzed trends in the transformation of strategic meetings to non-traditional formats, including brainstorming, collective and individual «brainstorming», mastermind, the Japanese decision-making system «kingeso» show the practical importance of intelligence and prospects for business communication research and adaptation of these tools to online platforms . The top offers of the digital world for improving virtual events are outlined. Each professional field offers its own specific tools to strengthen communication interaction to effectively address the issue, but the value of the «health of the organization» remains at the core.
Key words: meeting, types of meetings, effective business communication, cascade communication, reference activity, office work.
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