Parameters of the Modality of Public Official and business Texts
The purpose of the study is to clarify the concept of modality in the theory of social communications and information activities, characterize the modality parameters of official business texts and update the understanding of this category in business public space as a tool for conveying information.
Research methodology. Methods of analysis and synthesis, data systematization and their interpretation were used to study the modality of official business texts. A review of the literature on the study of modality is made, the question of multidisciplinarity of the analyzed phenomenon is raised, as well as approaches to the study of modality in the field of social communications are characterized. The content of official business texts of public space was involved in the analysis.
Results. Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, the approaches to understanding the category of modality in public official business texts are updated, its types and forms of expression are characterized. Objective and subjective modalities, formal manifestations of its implementation are described. In the public sphere, through official business texts, the objective modality of the real world is expressed, except for documents that include hypothetical/ probable/ future considerations, such as a work plan or development strategy. These documents describe the pseudo-real world, on the one hand, and on the other – capture specific thoughts at a particular time of reality, ie refer to texts that denote the reality with signatures, dates, seals. Modal meanings are used in the texts of official business documents to emphasize the imperative nature of the message, to capture the truth as accurately as possible, to motivate the recipient to take action, or vice versa – to deter violations through instructions, rules, regulations.
Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in the study of courses in «Journalism» and «Information Business» on questions of surveying the properties of public information, understanding its potential and methods of implementation, as well as by practitioners of the information sphere to understand the tools of reproduction and assessment of reality in modern public space.
Key words: modality, official business text, subjective modality, objective modality.
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