Sports Report Genre Theoretical Aspekt

I. Zaitseva


The purpose of the work is to study the theoretical aspects of the genre features of reporting in the Ukrainian sports press.

Research methodology. The basis of the study is informational, axiological, culturological, systemic, activity approaches. The following research methods were used in the work : analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and the generalization method generalization – to determine the main genre features of a sports report.

Results. It was determined that sports journalism is a relatively new informational activity, it creates additional conditions for the development and promotion of sports literature, unites athletes and fans, informs, educates and entertains. The sports press is one of the auxiliary factors in the popularization of sports among the population. The rapid growth in the role of sport in the life of society leads to an increase in the need for organized and targeted information about this socio-cultural phenomenon. The article examines the theoretical aspects of the genre features of reporting in the Ukrainian sports press. It is emphasized that sports journalists traditionally resort to reporting as a genre most suitable not only for promptly displaying sports events, but also for visualizing their key moments, because it allows them to convey the dynamics and height of sports events, to convey to fans the emotions and excitement of competition participants, tell about all their twists and turns. It was found that precisely due to the most characteristic feature of reporting – the effect of presence – the author of the message transports the reader to the venue of the competition, where he becomes a witness of what is not possible to see for himself, represents what is happening, and empathizes with the journalist.

Novelty. The main features of sports reporting, which distinguish it from other journalistic genres, have been determined: visibility – the creation of a figurative picture by means of a substantive description of details; guidance of details, reproduction of actions and replicas of actors; maximum documentary – a reportage cannot be a reconstruction of an event or a creative fiction; an emotionally charged style of storytelling, which gives the information additional credibility; the active role of the personality of the reporter, allowing not only to see the event through the eyes of a journalist, but also provoking the independent work of the reader’s imagination.

Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in practical media activities and in the process of studying professionally oriented courses of the specialty «Journalism».

Key words: sports journalism, sports press, sports reportage.


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