The Peculiarities of Media Representation of Soldiers’ Psychological Rehabilitation Problems (Based on «Mirror of the Week» for 2015 and 2021)

T. Kuznietsova, O. Sokolova


The aim of this article is to analyze the peculiarities of media coverage of soldiers’ psychological rehabilitation problems in the «Mirror of the Week» for 2015 and 2021.

Research methodology. In accordance with the purpose of the article authors used a set of methods such as observation (to collect primary empirical material), inductive-deductive (to determine and describe the peculiarities of messages), content analysis (to determine the main trends and specifics of media coverage), comparison, generalization.

Results. Research of soldiers’ psychological rehabilitation problems in the «Mirror of the Week» for 2015 and 2021 showed the following trends: 1) gradual decrease in the frequency of coverage of soldiers’ psychological rehabilitation in the media; 2) active coverage of this issue as unresolved problem, which is caused by inaction of the government, corruption in the country; 3) actualization of the problem itself through the voice of volunteers or other people situated directly in the combat zone; 4) the gradual disappearance of «exculpatory» rhetoric about the deviant behavior of veterans in need of psychological help; 5) change in the nature of coverage of this topic from analytical to statistical.

The novelty of this article is that the research identified the main peculiarities and trends of soldiers’ psychological rehabilitation in the «Mirror of the Week» for 2015 and 2021. This will deepen the knowledge about the specifics of media coverage of mentioned issues and the main factors that cause a change in the vectors of the representation of certain topics.

Practical significance. The results of the research can be used to further investigations of the specifics of presenting relevant issues in the media; as well as in the development of specific measures to address the problem of soldiers’ psychological rehabilitation in general.

Key words: psychological rehabilitation of the soldiers, content analysis, «Mirror of the Week», media coverage of the problem.


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