Information Activity of Authorities in European Integration Vectors of Ukraine: E-Government

N. Sanakoyeva, I. Bondarenko


Purpose of research. This research is directed to defining priority directions of implementation of e-government in Ukraine and peculiarities of integration of Ukraine into the European Union Digital Single Market.

Research methodology. In course of the research theoretic methodological case was used: description, analysis, synthesis; systematization, summing-up; comparative analysis; induction and deduction to formulate conclusions.

Results. The article analyzes theoretic-and-legal grounds for e-government from the point of view of European integration intentions of Ukraine and undertaken international obligations. It was determined that e-government means the way of solving the problem of advancing and reforming public sector as well as providing business and citizens with state services of higher quality. The role of international donors for implementation of «E-Government for Authorities Accountability and Community Participation» program (EGAP) and EGOV4UKRAINE («Support of Decentralization of E-Government in Ukraine») project was detected. Research results point at stability in tendencies of implementing e-government within the upcoming years.

Novelty. The article studies current state of e-government development under the directions stipulated by the E-Government Development Concept in Ukraine. Key principle problems in this sphere are embraced. The priority directions of informative activity of the state have been determined on the basis of the analysis of the Ukraine Integration to the EU DSM Roadmap and the E-Government Development Concept in Ukraine.

Practical significance. Research materials will contribute to synthesized understanding of state policy priorities in terms of introduction and implementation of e-government program in Ukraine. Studies results may be used in course of preparation to classes in such disciplines as «Informative Activity of State Power Bodies», «Public Communications in Information Environment» as well as educational literature and educational-methodic materials. In the scientific-and-research sphere, the results may be used as a ground for further research of e-government issue.

Key words: e-government, E-Government Development Concept in Ukraine, the Ministry of Digital Transformation, EGAP program, EGOV4UKRAINE project, the Ukraine Integration to the EU DSM Roadmap.


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