Methodological Approaches to the Study of the Definition of «Socio-Commercial Advertising»
The aim of the article. Scientific work is aimed at the theoretical substantiation of the relevance of the introduction of the definition of «socio-commercial advertising» in scientific circulation.
Research methodology. The method of terminological analysis is used, the theoretical basis of the research is based on socio-cultural (the reflection of social values, cultural codes in advertising messages was studied) and system approaches (specificity of dynamic system – advertising communication process is determined). Among the general scientific methods the comparative method was used. The study compared social and commercial advertising.
Results. In the conditions of oversaturation of the market with advertising products, research on search of innovative formats of advertising messages, development of new approaches to creation of advertising content which will be positively perceived by the target audience becomes actual. Recently, there has been a trend that global brands have begun disguising commercial advertising as social advertising. Such advertising is better perceived by people, gets more publicity and discussion. Commercial advertising takes new forms and aims not only to promote the brand but also to promote social values.
Selected specific features of socio-commercial advertising. The use of research results will help to optimize the strategy of communication activities of the enterprise, improve the image as a socially responsible business, and will promote further promotion of socially significant concepts.
Novelty. It is proposed to introduce the definition of «socio-commercial advertising» into scientific circulation.
Practical significance. The means of social and commercial advertising aimed at improving the advertising processes of enterprises are proposed.
Key words: method, social advertising, commercial advertising, socio-commercial advertising, social motive.
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