Media as an Instrument of Media Control and as a Means of Social Compulsion
The purpose of the article is to update and expand the concept of media control in the context of interdisciplinary approaches to the analysis of the modern information space, to explore why media control should be considered not only from the point of view of critical theory, but also in connection with the specifics of the media themselves and their expansion in everyday practices of participation and representation.
Research methodology. In the analysis of this topic, traditional and hybrid, transdisciplinary ideas and hypotheses are used, taking into account the theories of the critical school, as well as the methods of cultural-sociological, phenomenological and deconstructivist approaches to understanding the power role and functions of media in society.
Results. We argue that media control in modern conditions is carried out mainly through the intervention of the authorities in the activities of the media and in the context of objective economic and post-economic processes, when the functions of journalism are distributed among different players and control occurs at the level of soft power, entertainment content, and validation of disturbing news.
The scientific novelty of the article lies in the use of various theoretical approaches to understanding the phenomenon of media control, considering traditional critical theories and the latest studies of non-classical science, focusing not only on the analysis of methods of media coercion, but also on the complex structural elements of the very phenomenon of modern media as a tool for interpretations and new generations of content to change social attitudes and harmonize with the authorities.
The practical significance of the research results is due to the growing role of the media in managing social processes, which allows using the research materials in the process of analyzing specific media messages to identify elements of media coercion in modern media.
Key words: media control, media coercion, social control, production of consent, post-truth, post-journalism, media construction of reality.
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