Using Cultural Code in Modern Media Tendencies for Developing a Sociocultural Identity

Y. Kyyanytsya


The purpose of the research is to reveal the meaning of cultural code for a sociocultural identity and understanding the theoretical foundations of its retransmission in media.

Research methodology. In this work we used such methods as analysis of the source base of the subject area, synthesis of necessary conceptual and categorical apparatus, which have allowed us to crystallize not only the understanding of using cultural code in the media environment but also its retransmission; we have also applied the method of generalization for outlining problem aspects in the process of identification.

Using such approaches as source studies, epistemological, cultural, philosophical have aimed our study at revealing social demands to media which mediation can verbalize certain tendencies in the promotion of cultural code through modern content.

Results. Modern tendencies of forming visual content with the help of nationally colored content have been suggested.

Novelty. This study examines the essence and significance of the cultural code for developing etno-cultural and socially conscious concept of existence of both the Ukrainian society as whole and each individual through the prism of producing modern forms of content.

Practical significance. The study can be used not only by media specialists for current work for developing state-building content but also in the informational policies of the state for developing national consciousness and unity through awareness of etno-cultural identity.

Key words: cultural code, etnic identity, culture, visualization, mem, national consciousness.


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