Compilation of the Database of Periodicals of Zhytomyr Region
The purpose of the study is to compile a database of printed publications of Zhytomyr region from the release of the first edition in 1838 to 2020.
Research methodology. The following methods were used in the work: general scientific (traditional analysis, synthesis, induction, generalization) and specific scientific (historical, logical, calculations).
Results. Sources have been collected that make it possible to establish a list of periodicals in the Zhytomyr Region. The following periods of their development have been identified: 1) the press, which was published during the existence of the Russian Empire (1838–1917); 2) the press, which was published during the existence of the USSR (1917–1991), or Soviet periodicals, with two subperiods: a) during the existence of the UPR (1917–1921); b) during the German occupation (1941–1944); 3) the press of independent Ukraine. In total, about five hundred publications have been described and analyzed. Periodicals are divided into five-year periods. The results of the study are presented in the form of a table and diagram.
Novelty. The database of Zhytomyr Region publications in the Exel spreadsheet format is being compiled for the first time.
Practical significance. The results can be used: a) to compile the history of the press of Zhytomyr region; b) to study the patterns of development of this press (periods of growth, stagnation and decline; trends of further development); c) to establish a functional relationship between the number of publications and the degree of freedom of the press, which was in the same five-year periods (subject to expert assessments of the degree of freedom of the press); d) in the educational process of training student journalists while studying the history of local (regional) media.
Key words: periodicals, newspaper, magazine, bulletin, Zhytomyr region, 1838-2020.
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Since 2013, all electronic versions of the journal are stored in the National Library of Ukraine named after VI Vernadsky of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and presented on the portal in the information resource "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine".
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The publication is indexed by Citefactor: 2019/2020: 4,54.
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The journal is indexed by Innospace Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF): 2016: 5,899, 2017: 6,435, 2018: 7,037, 2019: 7,431
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