Specifics of the Organization of Functioning Mass Media of Ukraine
The purpose of the study is based on the revealed specifics of the organization of the functioning of other resources in the mass information of Ukraine.
Research methodology. To achieve this goal, the following general scientific research methods were used: analysis and synthesis, in the collection and processing of information; generalization - for substantiation of concepts, judgments, laws, theories; comparison - to compare the studied objects and to establish their similarities or differences; textual - to study the literature and documents in order to obtain primary information, analysis of the history and current state of the problem; survey - to obtain information and data; quantitative and qualitative content analysis - in the analysis of information arrays in order to calculate the frequency of mentions of content units, the latter in the analysis of the presence of the content of their content units.
Results. the information content of printed publications on the subject of messages and sources of information from which the local mass media draw material is analyzed; The shortcomings of the work of mass media in the Odessa region were revealed, among which the content is the most important, a survey was conducted among the residents of the city, and it was indicated what the topic is in the local country, which is the best way to find them; One of the main directions of improving the information support of the mass media is the filling of the press, the quality of the information product, operative informing of the population.
Novelty. Methodical approaches to the evaluation of periodicals, which are used to characterize the current press, are revealed; The origins of the creation and peculiarities of the activity of the mass media, terminology, the analyzed legislative base on the information activity of the mass media and the information of the mass media are considered.
Practical significance. The information content of printed publications on the subject of messages and sources of information from which the local mass media draws material is analyzed; The shortcomings of the work of mass media in the Odessa region were revealed, among which the content is the most important, a survey was conducted among the residents of the city, and it was indicated what the topic is in the local country, which is the best way to find them; One of the main directions of improving the information support of the mass media is the filling of the press, the quality of the information product, operative informing of the population.
Key words. information technology, online media, Internet, multimedia, journalism.
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PDF (Українська)References
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2022.2(50).10
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