Implementation of the Enterprise’s Information Policy by Virtue of Internet Resources
The purpose of the study is to identify the mechanisms for implementation of the enterprise’s communication activities using network means.
Research methodology. The study uses general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization of data and information relating to both theoretical sources and empirical material. The method of content monitoring of the site allowed to verify the stated conceptual provisions and identify effective tools for communication activities of the enterprise. The method of comparative analysis, applied to the tools of traditional and modern promotion, made it possible to identify the benefits of the latter.
Results. The study revealed the mechanisms of implementation of the communication policy of the enterprise, which integrate the potential of traditional marketing communication and the tools of interaction of communicants in the Internet space. The evaluation and systematization of the main indicators of web resources is carried out, their influence on communication and ways of promoting services and goods are described. The main attention is paid to the study of the enterprise’s information policy implementation forms on the Internet. Key performance indicators of Internet resources are identified and classified. The system of effective tools and rules according to which it is possible to estimate efficiency of promotional tools and forms of its use is considered.
Novelty. The principal tools of traditional and Internet marketing are considered in detail, the productivity of their integration is indicated. Effective methods of web resources development in the implementation of enterprises’ information policy are offered, with taking into account the information and communication capabilities that ensure the spread and productive use of online platforms.
Practical importance. The results and conclusions can be used to optimize the communication management of enterprises, organizations and institutions, improve the work of press services, promotion of goods and services.
Key words: communication activity, Internet resources, network means, marketing communications, promotion.
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