Information and Communication Technologies in the Educational Cases: Chances and Risks of Their Introduction During the Period of Global Challenges

A. Lobanova, Y. Zoska, S. Petruchin, O. Komarova


The purpose of the study is to substantiate the chances and risks of introducing information and communication technologies (ICT) in educational cases in the context of global challenges for students of higher education, including pedagogical specialties.

Research methodology. general and special; theoretical and empirical methods. Among the theoretical methods used critical, analytical, synthetic, inductive, deductive, comparative, concrete-historical. The main special methods were systemic and structural-functional, which were used to build the design of an educational case using ICT. The main empirical method was to monitor the educational process with the use of ICT in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian war against Ukraine.

Results. The scientific work substantiates the chances and risks of introducing information and communication technologies (ICT) in educational cases in the context of global challenges, such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war (from February 24, 2022). The content and features of educational cases are considered. Basic ICTs (Internet platforms, services, mobile applications, Internet tools, etc.) are presented, with the help of which educational cases are implemented.

Novelty of the work is to substantiate the methodology of developing the structure of educational cases with the use of ICT to train specialists in higher education, describe their structural elements, justify the chances and risks of using educational cases in globalization challenges.

The practical significance of the work is that the use of ICT educational cases in higher education institutions significantly increases the chances of maintaining and ensuring the proper level of educational process, ensuring its continuity in pandemics and martial law, promotes mental activity and information literacy of teachers and applicants for higher education. Focusing on the potential risks that must be considered when developing ICT-based educational cases will help prevent destructive influence on the world process.

Key words: an Internet-resource, an educational case, educational process, information and communication technologies, information content, chances, risks.


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