Novations of Media Language in Conditions of War
The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the means of creating neologisms in language of telegram channels on official pages of mass-media, city authorities, representatives of regional military administration and military bodies.
Research methodology. Scientific work was carried out mainly through the use of methods of content analysis (in studying language of telegram channels), and analysis (in scientific literature reviewing on the topic of research, analyzing means and ways of word formation), synthesis and induction (in verifying data and formulating conclusions).
Results. It was examined the meaning of the concept of «linguistic novations» in conditions of war and their types (writing proper names associated with the aggressor country with small letters, the spread of hate speech, the use of national slogans, the use of transliteration of names and surnames of Russian politicians), there were also highlighted the ways of forming neologisms (language game, semantic rethinking, use of images from feature films and artistic works).
The language of the mentioned telegram channels is studied. It was revealed that all novations are included in communication at different levels of public information. The writing words with a small letter is typical for all selected sources, but A. Kurtev also adds emotionally colored lexical markers, while the channels of O. Starukh and the «General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine» prefer standardized spelling of proper names. It was emphasized that the national slogans «Glory to Ukraine!» and «Glory to the Heroes!» have become widely used.
An important novation is the replacement of the terms Southern / Eastern / Northern / Western / Central Ukraine with «South of Ukraine», «East of Ukraine», «North of Ukraine», «Center of Ukraine» and «West of Ukraine». It was found out that among the most popular neologisms, which are created on the basis of language games, are the word «russcist» and its variations (occurs in all sources), semantic rethinking occurs only in the channels of UNIAN and AK ZMR, but neologisms-images from feature films and books are «horde», «orcs», «mordor».
Novelty. It was made an attempt to identify linguistic novation caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war in the posts of telegram channels.
Practical significance. The results can be used in further researches. Some aspects will be useful for journalists, editors, and philologists.
Key words: linguistic novation, neologism, telegram channel, language of war, language game, semantic rethinking.
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PDF (Українська)References
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