Ukrainian National Values and Symbols in the Modern Ukrainian and Global Information and Communikation Space

L. Ponomarenko, A. Bessarab


The purpose of the research: is to identify the main trends in the spread of Ukrainian national values and symbols in the modern Ukrainian and international information and communication space during the full-scale invasion of the russian federation into Ukraine.

Research methodology. During the research, the following methods were used: analysis, synthesis, generalization – to study the sources of relevant issues and to understand the opinions of scientists about the essence of national values in general and authentic values in particular; comparison – to identify trends in the use of symbols to denote Ukrainian national values in the conditions of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine in the Ukrainian and global information and communication space; observation and description – to clarify the peculiarities of the use of Ukrainian symbols on television, in the Internet media and in social networks.

Results. It is concluded that the research of values in the information and communication space of Ukraine usually concerns the moral and ethical plane. If we are talking about Ukrainian national values, they have traditionally been the object of study in the field of national security policy. Today, in the conditions of the Russian Federation’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the importance of Ukrainian national values, the process of symbolizing which can be observed both on television and in the Internet media, as well as in social networks and popular messengers, is being actualized. The most symbolic now are the colors of the Ukrainian flag as the state symbol of Ukraine. At the same time, the process of symbolization affected such Ukrainian national values as the trident, Cossack, mace, embroidered towel, vyshyvanka (embroidered shirt or dress) and borscht. In the Ukrainian information and communication space, in particular on television and in the Internet media, blue and yellow colors symbolize, mainly, the official representations of Ukraine as a state and its officials. In social networks and messengers, emojis, as well as photos, posters or videos in blue and yellow colors have a much wider functional palette: from a visual marker of Ukrainian material to an incentive to unite in the struggle for the native land. In the global information and communication space, a bright trend towards the use of Ukrainian national symbols during public actions in support of Ukraine as a state and the Ukrainian people as a fighter for the freedom and independence of their country has been observed. In addition, the participants of such actions turn to the leadership of European countries and the world with specific requests: for help in liberating the courageous defenders of Azovstal, recognition of the Russian Federation as a sponsor of terrorism, etc.

Novelty. New trends in the symbolization of Ukrainian national values and the expansion of their functions in the Ukrainian and global information and communication space during the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine are outlined.

Practical value. The obtained results can be used in the educational process in colleges and universities that prepare specialists according to the educational programs of fields 061 «Journalism» and 021 «Audiovisual Art and Production» and for further scientific investigations concerning the influence of national values and symbols through mass media and social networks.

Key words: Ukrainian national values and symbols, authentic values, Ukrainian and global information and communication space, color of the Ukrainian flag, trident, Ukrainian Cossacks, embroidery, television, Internet media, social networks.


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