Construction of News Reality in the Massmedia
The purpose of the research is to characterize the construction of news reality in the information environment.
Research methodology. The methodological basis of the study is the empirical method – we determined the news content, we characterized the researched news content on information platforms using the analysis method, the content of the news was singled out with the help of mass communication using the comparison method, where information penetrates into all spheres of social life, the observation method to influence the audience as a consumer of mass information.
Results. News journalism in the modern information space is in the process of constructing reality, since all events taking place in the world receive an objective and unbiased reflection in the mass media. Quite naturally there is the question: what are the criteria that journalists use to determine the correctness of writing news, what should be transferred from the status of an event to the status of news , and which ones are not. If this issue remains understudied in both social communication theory and applied social communication technology research, there is a tacit consensus. Therefore, at the time of rapid development of online platforms, mass media should improve their news products for high-quality and successful promotion. Thus, the considered professional tradition of selection and presentation of news is paradoxically proportional to the imagination with the lens of ectivism and intuitionism.
Novelty. The directions of construction of news reality are outlined, the advantages and disadvantages of news platforms are determined, and a comparative characterization of the essence of the genre-forming news tools, which serves for prompt, reliable, objective, balanced display of events, is carried out.
Practical meaning. The obtained results of research work can be used in the empirical-applied component for the training of young specialists in news, cross-media journalism and news agency journalism.
Key words: news journalism, mass media, media, information society, genreology, audience.Full Text:
PDF (Українська)References
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