Event Coverage in Telegram: the Interaction of Amateur and Professional Approaches

M. Chabanenko


The purpose of the study is to reveal how appropriate it is to expand the toolkit of official meta-media work on the Telegram messenger platform by borrowing certain elements from the work style of bloggers.

Research methodology. In the process of searching for empirical material and studying the content of Telegram channels, the following methods were used: monitoring and observation; probability sampling method, descriptive method; methods of comparative analysis, synthesis, induction, systematization, generalization.

The results. It was found that the Telegram channels of bloggers and official mass media occupy different niches and are equally needed by society, and there is an active interaction between them. The founders of news channels rely on the advantages of amateur or professional journalism and at the same time tend to optimize informing, borrowing some work methods – bloggers from professionals and vice versa; in particular, bloggers try to work according to the schedule, to achieve clarity and evidentiality of messages, professional journalists – to strengthen the communication component, to refuse a too dry style. Taking this into account and logically continuing the indicated trend, the article suggests journalistic Telegram channels to publish news reviews more often – informational ones that summarize the news in a thesis for a certain period of time, and excerpts of analytical author reviews with a link to the entire material on the mass media website.

Novelty. The fact that both amateur and professional meta-media journalism is in demand by the audience has been established; the phenomenon of their mutual influence has been revealed; supplemented by scientific ideas about changes in professional approaches to the production and distribution of news occurring as a result of the use of messenger Telegram.

Practical meaning. The results of the research will be useful in practical journalistic activities related to providing Telegram channels with news content.

Key words: meta-media, messenger, Telegram channel, news production, professional journalism, amateur journalism, bloggers.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2022.3(51).7


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