Media Socialization of the Child as an Aspect of the Media Educational Space

T. Leontieva


The purpose of the article. Media education contributes to the development of a person’s critical perception of information and becomes the basis for the formation of knowledge and skills in the context of informatization of society. Information spreads very quickly and can play a decisive role in shaping ideology through consciousness. Everyone in today’s information society needs a certain level of competence to use media resources. Recent history is characterized by the development of information technology, their penetration into almost all spheres of public life. This trend shapes approaches to defining the main social institutions that are the result of the activities and needs of citizens, encourages the reform of the basics of educational activities. The purpose of the article is to analyze the effectiveness of media education as an aspect of media socialization of society through the influence of self-awareness.

Methodology. Methods of systematic analysis of scientific works on this problem, as well as the use of methods of analysis and synthesis, research, explanatory and descriptive methods to determine the nature of the problem and the method of generalization to determine the results.

Novelty. The proposed author’s research is an aspect of clarifying the concept of media education in the context of media socialization. The article highlights the features of human development of critical perception of information and becomes the basis for the formation of knowledge and skills in the context of informatization of society. The tendencies of media education in the modern post-industrial period, which is marked by the development of information and communication technologies in integration and globalization processes, are considered, and it is determined that the society needs competent specialists who develop and strive for self-realization in society. It is generalized that the educational process is a phenomenon that covers various areas of human activity and determines the main aspects of the regulatory framework. The article substantiates that information and communication technologies transform educational activities from the physical environment to the virtual. The relevance of the study is due to the combination of ICT and media, which together represent the presentation of information. The media shape public opinion, and ICT technologies increase the effectiveness of education.

The practical meaning. The study was the basis for specifying the concept of media education as an effective technology in modern conditions. The presented research does not exhaust the whole essence and requires further study of certain aspects.

Key words: information society, ICT technologies, digital transformation, critical thinking, self – realization.


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