he Results of the «Perception and Understanding of the Plagiarism Problem» Survey in the Context of the «Plagiarism and Academic Integrity» Course Development
The purpose of the study is to adjust the thematic plan of the «Plagiarism and academic integrity» academic subject on basis of the answers to the outlined survey.
Research methodology. In order to identify the attitude of respondents to the problem of 6lagiarism as a violation of academic integrity and to form the content of the «Plagiarism and academic integrity» academic subject under the study results, a survey (conducted in April – early June 2021) by the method of selective questionnaire with Google Forms was used. The questionnaire contained 15 questions (9 open-ended questions, 4 close-ended questions and 2 multiple-choice questions) and covered 184 respondents. Methods of generalization and analysis of information were used to process the received information: systematization, grouping, qualitative (text analysis, classification) and quantitative (digital data) methods of data interpretation. The results are presented as a detailed verbal description.
Results. The survey clarified respondents’ understanding of the essence of the «academic integrity» and «plagiarism» concepts; their attitude to the problem of plagiarism; their opinion about effective and ineffective educational tasks and about the reasons for resorting to plagiarism; identified the types of work that cause them the most difficulties and are a «risk zone» for accusations of plagiarism; outlined the range of issues related to the problem of plagiarism, which are the most interesting for the interviewees. It was established that among all violations of academic integrity that the respondents encountered, plagiarism has the «top spot» – 83.2%; followed by cheating-off – 80.4% and biased marking – 71.2%. In general, the survey data show that students are ready to study an academic subject dedicated to the problems of academic integrity in general and plagiarism in particular, but each topic should be justified from the point of view «why do they need to know this and what it will give them for personal and professional development» and presented in an interesting way, and each task should be aimed at developing specific, clearly defined skills.
Novelty. Based on the received data, the following topics of the academic subject were formed: 1) academic integrity; 2) types of liability for violation of academic integrity; 3) plagiarism as a social communication phenomenon; 4) reasons for resorting to plagiarism; 5) types and methods of plagiarism; 6) «plagiarism of ideas»; 7) «self-plagiarism»; 8) «a text oversaturated with quotations»; 9) work with sources and plagiarism; 10) plagiarism technologies; 11) peculiarities of plagiarism reception; 12) plagiarism in feature films; 13) plagiarism and mass media; 14) plagiarism in creative industries; 15) the right to creativity and plagiarism; 16) judicial practice and plagiarism; 17) prevention of plagiarism and fight against it.
Practical importance. The obtained results will be used in the process of teaching the «Plagiarism and academic integrity» course.
Key words: academic integrity, plagiarism, violation of academic integrity, academic course.
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PDF (Українська)References
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2022.3(51).15
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