Application of QR-Technology – Encoding in the Process оf Professional Training of the Fu-ture Specialist in Documentary and Information Communications

G. Yermolayeva


The purpose of the study is to highlight the essence of QR-encoding technology, the possibilities of its use in the professional training of the future document and information communications specialist in order to increase the efficiency of this process.

Research methodology. During the research, the following methods were used: descriptive (to specify the theoretical foundations of the work); analysis and synthesis, structural (for generalization and systematization of the obtained data).

Results. The advantages of improving the educational process based on the use of QR codes in the process of professional training of a future document and information communications specialist have been established. New forms of organization of the educational process enable the teacher to improve his skills in ways of organizing education. It is outlined that QR-codes as a progressive and variable component of information progress, accessibility in mastering a wide range of their use in the educational process. It was determined that such a type of cognitive independence as professionally oriented cognitive independence is relevant for the future specialist of document and information communications, which is determined by the ability and need to expand knowledge in the chosen professional field, which further contributes to the successful professional self-realization of the future specialist, ensures his professional self-actualization, affects professional growth and the formation of the habit of constant professional self-renewal.

Novelty. The obtained results is due to the fact that, despite the active interest of the scientific community in the use of QR codes in the process of professional training of students, there are no serious generalization works dedicated to the use of QR-coding technology in the process of professional training of the future document and information communications specialist, which will influence the process of their preparation for future practical activities.

Practical meaning. The results of the research can be used during the improvement of educational and methodological support in professional disciplines and the preparation of methodological recommendations for the organization of practical classes and independent works in the disciplines.

Key words: QR-codes, educational process, information technologies of education, training of a future document and information communication specialist.


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