Genocide and Postmemory in Media Reality

L. Cherniavska


The purpose of the study is to characterize the phenomenon of the formation of genocide by the tools of media reality creation and to reveal the peculiarities of the formation of the phenomenon of post-memory in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Research methodology. To study the phenomena of genocide and post-memory, methods of analysis and synthesis were used, and a survey was conducted of students who attended the course «Media content in the information society» (2021 and 2022) in order to reveal the knowledge of the young audience about genocides in world history. The expert interview method was used to reveal the dependence of propaganda tools such as hate speech and creating an image of the enemy, and actions aimed at discrimination and genocide. The method of interpretation is used to work with images of media reality.

Results. The mass media are the creators of media reality and are responsible for creating the dominant ideas in totalitarian and near-totalitarian societies, when people’s right to choose and electoral laws replace manipulation and unfair elections. Creating the image of the enemy and hate speech are part of the media image of Ukrainians created in the Russian information space to justify the killing of Ukrainians, genocide. The experience of survival is related to social memory, however, when traumatic memories of experienced cruelty remain unreflected, postmemory takes their place. This term was formulated by M. Hirsch during his research on the Holocaust.

The article is devoted to issues of media instruments of genocide as a language of enmity, forming the image of the enemy. The work uses the results of a survey of the student audience, as well as student observations regarding media instruments for the formation of media reality in the context of genocide. Surveys show that the Holocaust is known to a wide audience as the most famous tragedy of the genocide of the Jewish people, but the understanding that similar tragedies happen in the world later and now is not formed. Various media projects should highlight this topic. For Ukraine, this is a period of awareness of the many negative consequences of human discrimination and awareness of the necessity and importance of European values.

Novelty. The formation of media reality demonstrates the conditioning of discriminatory media practices, the creation of an image of the enemy, propaganda myths with the actions of an aggressor who commits genocide. Such instruments of creating media reality as hate speech, creating an image of the enemy are also instruments for preparing and carrying out genocide. This condition is traced in the article.

Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in the process of studying courses on communication, formation of media reality in the specialties «Journalism», «Advertising and Public Relations», «Information Business», media practitioners in matters of studying the instruments of media reality formation

Key words: genocide, media reality, post-memory, mass media, anti-discriminatory practices, hate speech, image of the enemy, human rights.


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