The Impact of the Full-Scale Invasion of Russia on the Thematic and Genre Palette of Television: a Regional Aspect

O. Galiv


The purpose of the study is to identify trends in the thematic and genre transformation of broadcasts and individual audiovisual products of regional TV channels of Kyiv («Kyiv») and Lviv («NTA») after a full-scale invasion.

Research methodology. Empirical and theoretical research methods were used in the research process. In particular, these are methods of analysis of television products of regional media, comparison of television products before and after the war, as well as in several media, content analysis of individual television materials and observation. At the first stage of the research, the method of analyzing theoretical sources and already published studies on the topic of regional TV channels, their activity and level of development, response to events taking place in the region, the state and the world was used. During the second stage, specific television materials and broadcasts of individual regional TV channels of Ukraine were analyzed in terms of genre and thematic changes after the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine – that is, after February 24, 2022.

Results. Regional TV channels remain an important source of information for residents of individual Ukrainian regions, an audience that trusts these media and constantly follows their news. It is such broadcasters who distribute important informational, artistic and analytical audiovisual products on local, national and global topics through a regional prism. The war, as the number one topic in the public life of Ukraine and one of the leading and most discussed topics far beyond its borders, somehow made corrections not only in the functioning of the media themselves, but also in their thematic content and genre diversity.

As a result, regional TV channels have changed the broadcast network, creating audiovisual products, primarily on the topic of war, post-war changes, support for internally displaced persons, and the world’s reaction to the events in Ukraine. At the same time, moving away from the previously most used informational and analytical genres, expanding their list and diluting it with artistic genres.

Novelty. The novelty of the work consists in the analysis of how regional broadcasters (television channels) react to the cardinal social and political changes in the life of the state – a full-scale war, try to continue to provide the informational needs of their audience, while at the same time moving away from the previously approved telecasts, dividing topics by importance and enrichment and change of genre diversity used in television broadcasting. Research can be used for further analyzes and observations of the level of development and formation of regional (local) TV channels of Ukraine, their contribution to the information war and counter-propaganda of Russian lies.

Practical meaning. The results of this study can be used by journalism experts when studying the peculiarities of television broadcasting in Ukraine during military operations, taking into account the regional aspect.

Key words: television, war, regional channels, genres.


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