State of Freedom of the Press in the Territory of Zhytomyr Region (1838–2020)
The purpose of the research is to compile a time series of changes in the degree of freedom of the press in the territory of Zhytomyr Region in the period from 1838 to 2020, based on an expert survey.
Research methodology. The main ones used were (a) the method of observation in the form of a survey (expert), as well as (b) the method of calculations.
The questionnaire was anonymous, but it contained a block with questions about general information about the experts (gender, age, basic education, academic title, scientific degree). The questionnaire was completed in a Google form. To construct a time series, five-year periods were chosen as the studied interval (38 of them turned out to be). A 10-point scale was chosen for the questionnaire (0 – no press freedom, and 9 – maximum press freedom).
The results. Ten completed questionnaires were received. The academic title of the majority of experts (six persons) is professor (60%), the rest are associate professors (40%). Most of the interviewees, namely six people (60%), indicated that they are journalists by basic education, two have a philological education (20%), and another two have a history education (20%).
The results of the research are presented in the form of a table and a diagram.
The degree of freedom of the preess begins with an average score of 2.8 points (1835) and ends with a score of 6.5 points (2020). The extreme values of the degree of freedom of the press are: minimum – 0.5 (1935–1939) and maximum – 6.8 (2005–2009) points.
The novelty of the research lies in the fact that data on the degree of freedom of the press in quantitative terms for the territory of Zhytomyr region in the period from 1838 to 2020, according to our assessment, were obtained for the first time in the world.
Practical meaning. The obtained results can be used: a) when evaluating the state of freedom of the press for the specified time period, i. e. 1838–2020, in Ukraine; b) during a comparative assessment of the state of freedom of the press in Zhytomyr region in 1838–2020 and in other regions of Ukraine; c) when detecting the dependence (if it exists) between the number of publications in Zhytomyr region in 1838–2020 and the degree of freedom of speech.
Key words: freedom of the press, number of publications, Ukraine, Zhytomyr region, 1838–2020.
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