Modern Methods of Influence on the Subconsciousness of the Viewing Audience in the «The Only News» TV Marathon

I. Putzyata


The purpose of the article is to analyze modern methods of influencing the subconscious of the audience in the telethon «Yedini Novyni».

Research methodology. To realize the purpose of the research, a comprehensive approach to the selection of the main research methods was used, namely: observation – for the analysis of the telethon «Edyny Novyni»; historical – for the study of phenomena in the process of their occurrence and in the dynamics of development; generalization and formulation of conclusions. And the implementation of the system approach helped to investigate in more detail modern methods of influencing the subconscious of the audience.

The results. It was determined that the modern information society is equated with the concept of «information war», which is characterized as a special form of influence on citizens from other countries in peacetime or wartime due to the dissemination of relevant information and the protection of citizens of one’s country from such influence. Due to the start of a full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine, which took place on February 24, 2022, the national telethon «Edyny Novyny» began its work with the aim of refuting Russian propaganda and fakes related to the situation in Ukraine.

After analyzing the structure of the national telethon, it was found out that it consists of informational teleplots with different topics: socio-political, military, economic, medical, cultural-historical, sports, scientific, logistical, etc. In addition, as part of our research, one of the issues of the national telethon was analyzed. And in accordance with the purpose of the research, modern methods of influencing the subconscious of the viewing audience of the telethon «Edyny Novyni» were considered.

Thus, the most common method of influencing the subconscious of the audience is capture, infection, information blockade, joining, word play, creation of information reality.

The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that, for the first time, an attempt was made to outline modern methods of influencing the subconscious of the audience in the telethon «Edyni Novyni».

Practical meaning. The results of the research can be used for the development of measures for the formation of information culture in the audience.

Key words: methods, mass media, subconsciousness, information war, telethon.


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