Publishing with Augmented Reality: Production and Marketing Problems

S. Vodolazka


The purpose of the research. Identify key production and marketing issues that slow down the delivery of an augmented reality publishing product to the reader.

Research methodology. To achieve this goal, the use of a number of methods was provided: the method of comparison, the method of generalization and analysis, the method of monitoring. The comparison method made it possible to correlate the specifics of the presentation of publications with augmented reality by keywords in the assortment of book distributors on the Ukrainian and world markets. The method of generalization and analysis was used to process the received information and derive factors that affect the pace of implementation of publications with augmented reality into active use.

Results. The problematic field of presentation of publications with augmented reality on the publishing market has been revealed. Problem situations faced by publishers during the implementation of projects with augmented reality and users during the search for products with enhanced capabilities are highlighted and explained. Emphasis is placed on the need to derive augmented reality from stereotyped perception as only a type of technology.

Novelty. For the first time, the production and marketing problems of publications with augmented reality were highlighted, as well as an analysis of the book distribution market was carried out in order to identify the situation with the representation of products on the Ukrainian and world markets.

Practical value. Helps draw attention to the problem of reader identification of publications with augmented reality and how to sell them.

Key words: technological innovations, augmented reality, augmented reality as a concept, augmented reality as a type of technology, content rendering, restraining factors, triggers of changes in the publishing market.


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