Social and Communication Concept of Propaganda of Fascism by S. Chakhotin: Projection on «Rashism»
The purpose of the article is the analysis and representation of the unexplored scientific heritage of S. Chakhotin, in particular, the concept of the psychological impact of political propaganda.
Research methodology. In the process of studying the model of the psychological impact of political propaganda, the methods of analysis and synthesis were applied – to mark and differentiate the basic concepts of the communication process; the Grounded theory methodology made it possible to collect and analyze factual material to determine the social and communication specifics of S. Chakhotin’s theory; the social engineering approach made it possible to determine the technological resource of communication technologies.
The results. S. Chakhotin distinguished two forms of political propaganda – «rational propaganda» or «scientific propaganda», based on the intelligent use of information resources, and «retroactive» or «violent» propaganda that uses the mechanism of total aggression. At the same time, the techniques of effective political propaganda in both the first and second cases are identical. The communication basis of this technology has a pyramidal structure: the basis is a philosophical teaching (for example, Marxism), the next concept is a political program, then a slogan, and the top of the pyramid is a graphic symbol. The researcher made interesting comments about the technology of promoting graphic symbols among the masses.
Novelty. The article presents an unexplored concept of the psychological impact of political propaganda on the masses of S. Chakhotin; theoretical aspects of teaching are superimposed on modes of Russian propaganda.
Practical importance. The results of the article can be used in the educational process of a higher school, as well as in the reconstruction of the historical foundations of the development of the science of social communications.
Key words: influence, masses, narrative, crowd, symbol, social engineering, propaganda, advertising.
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