Content Syndication as an Effective Way of Informing the Readership
The aim of the article is a detailing of the concept of «content syndication» as an effective way of informing the readership.
The following methods formed the methodological base of the research: comparative analysis of scientific points of view and practical component, description of the concept of «syndication»; offering one's own author's vision of the term – syndication of content on the Internet.
The results. The article considers the issue of content syndication of communication platforms, which contributes to the fruitful work of communication specialists with the target audience. Sufficient attention of contemporaries is paid to the concept of «content», while the phenomenon of syndication is little researched. Rapid filling of platforms with content highlighting pressing issues became important for Ukrainians with the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the aggressor country. The importance of receiving information quickly and qualitatively from various alternative sources (besides traditional media) is relevant for that part of the population that is in temporary occupation. Therefore, the ability to quickly find a resource for a consumer and quickly distribute it for a media person is extremely urgent today.
The work offers the author's vision of the concept of «content syndication» and analyzes the algorithm of cooperation with the readership. Six main steps are proposed, but it is worth noting that they are not a panacea in the work of a communications specialist or opinion leader, as they can be reduced or supplemented depending on the situation, conditions and issues that arise.
The novelty of the obtained results is that the vision of content syndication as a holistic process in applied social and communication technologies is systematized and described.
The practical significance of the study lies in the description of content syndication from the perspective of modern information and communication processes. In social communications, there is no detailed description of web content syndication as a process of working with the audience, which is the relevance of the research topic.
Key words: content, content syndication, readership, information processes.
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