Training of Specialists of Document and Information Communications Under Martial Law: Challenges of Time

G. Yermolayeva


The purpose of the study is to highlight the peculiarities of training specialists in document and information communications during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, to analyze the search for optimal conditions based on the existing mechanisms and recommendations for the implementation of the educational process in modern military conditions..

Research methodology. The following methods were used in the course of the study: descriptive (to indicate the theoretical foundations of the work); analysis and synthesis, structural (for generalization and systematization of the obtained data)

Results. The problems of training specialists of document and information communications under martial law, in particular the organization of the educational process, the use of various forms of education, have been identified. It is outlined that professional higher education is undergoing constant changes and trials during its formation and reform: the educational process in educational institutions in recent years (2019, 2020, 2021) has almost been carried out under quarantine restrictions during a worldwide pandemic, it has acquired a number of features due to the fact that studying at the university has become mixed and made it possible to combine classes with online activities through distance learning, and after February 24, 2022, when the Russian Federation launched a large-scale invasion of Ukraine, this education is already under martial law, which requires from the scientific and pedagogical staff of the university maximum restructuring and activation of its professional qualities. Modern forms of organization of the educational process allow the teacher to improve skills in the ways of organizing learning.

Novelty. The novelty of the obtained results is due to the fact that, despite the active interest of the scientific community in the use of various types of education for students of professional higher education under martial law, there are no serious generalizing works regarding the training of document and information communications specialists.

Practical meaning. The results of the study can be used to improve the educational and methodological support in professional disciplines and prepare methodological recommendations for the organization of practical classes and independent work in the disciplines.

Key words: higher education in the conditions of war; organization of the educational process; forms of education; study of the impact of war on professional higher education, training of the future specialist in document and information communications.


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