«ORCS» as a Physicality Concept in Media Reality against the Background of Russian Invasion of Ukraine

V. Babenko


Objective of the study consider the symbolic coding of the physicality under the concept of an «orc» as a communicative practice of mass media during the Russo-Ukrainian War.

Methods of the study. In the process of the study, were used methods of systematization of open data sources, analysis, and interpretation. Due to the usage of the comparative-historical analysis, a transformation of the communicative tradition of usage of the «orc» lexem was discovered in mass media discourse from 2013 to 2022.

Results. The usage of the «orc» lexem in several contexts in mass media was studied: as a denomination of Russian militaries and citizens of the Russian Federation, which was established by the Ukrainian segment of media reality, and as a self-denomination of residents of the Russian Federation. The usage potential of this lexem under the communicative strategies of the information warfare was outlined.

The «orc» concept as a physicality tool in symbolic codes of the informational landscape was considered. The study determines in which was its prominent physical imagery in communication forms worldview filters of perception of the information.

The introduced concepts are evaluated. A custom view on the ethic relevance of the usage of the «orc» lexem in mass media is provided. Assumptions regarding the further perspective of this language practice are voiced out.

Novelty. Mass media remain the principal tool of representation of new meanings in the symbolic coding of the events that take place during the Russo-Ukrainian War. Messages that are fixed in this way have become the object of studying not only in scientific investigations of social communications, but also of linguistics and media psychology. The analysis of popularity of the «orc» concept in mass media and meme culture in Ukrainian journalism studies has received single episodes of attention. Apart from this, separate research works contained value judgement of the ethic problems of this communicative practice, which fact narrows down the understanding of its cultural phenomenon.

Practical significance. The results of this research can be used in the studies dedicated to media awareness, hate speech in mass media and memes (the approach that researches functionality of memes as entities of cultural information). also, the study may be interesting to practical journalists as a means of studying the impact of emotional-imaginative content on their audience.

Key words: full-scale war, Russo-Ukrainian War, orcs, mass media, mass media means, media reality, image of the enemy, physicality, meme, visual image.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2022.4(52).17


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