Conceptual Verbalizers of the Opposition «Sworn Brother – Enemy» in Media Texts about the Russian-Ukrainian War

H. Mykytiv


The purpose of the research is the conceptualization of verbal means of forming images of sworn brother and enemy in modern media texts about the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Research methodology. Methods of generalization, synthesis, systematic and semantic analysis, structural and functional analysis were used in the course of writing the article, which made it possible to single out and systematize the means of forming the images of sworn brother and enemy in modern media texts about the Russian-Ukrainian war, their comparison and contrast, clarification of symbolic meaning, structure and peculiarities of functioning identification in the modern information space.

The results. According to the results of the research, it was determined that the verbal conceptualization of the information content of the modern media text contributes to a deeper understanding of the symbolic images used in the coverage of the russian-Ukrainian war. Having studied individual conceptual formations, the author agrees with the importance of studying the origin of lexemes, which act as conceptual verbalizers of the opposition «sworn brother – enemy», points to the peculiarity of the functioning of symbolic images in the information society. It was found that the oppositional compound «sworn brother – enemy» in the modern media text is endowed with an expressive symbolic sign, which is formed by the verbal context. The symbol indicates the semantics with which these images are endowed. The author proves that this meaning is beyond our perception and is formed on a subconscious level; indicates the associative correlation of a friend with protection, security, trust, and an enemy – with death, destruction, enmity; notes that with the help of archetypal symbols used in modern media texts in the coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian war, meanings that are beyond our understanding, live in the unconscious depths of the soul and unite people into an ethno-cultural community.

Novelty. For the first time, verbal means of forming symbolic images of sworn brother and enemy in modern media texts about the Russian-Ukrainian war were systematized; their structural and semantic features were determined and their symbolic meaning was clarified. It was proved that the verbal images-symbols «sworn brother» and «enemy» represent two vectors of knowledge. In particular, the symbolic image of a «sworn brother» is associated with a combatant, comrade-in-arms, associate, sworn brother, a close friend, as it is based on the archetype of protection, freedom, trust, security, the conceptual implications of which are safety, tranquility, peace. The opposite meaning is given to the symbolic image of the enemy, which is associated with the foe, since it is based on the archetype of death, and the conceptual implications are weapons, aggression, anxiety, and war.

The practical significance of the research results is that they can be used by the authors of modern media texts when covering the Russian-Ukrainian war to form an associative correlation of the verbal image of a sworn brother with protection, security, trust, and an enemy with death, destruction, hostility.

Key words: media text, symbol, verbalizer, sworn brother, enemy, russian-Ukrainian war.


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