The purpose of the study is to analyze the communication strategies of propaganda documentary content as an instrument of narrative regulation in the information space.
Research methodology. The following methods were used in the study: classification (types of communication strategies), discourse analysis (content analysis taking into account historical, political, and social circumstances), systematic approach (taking into account the peculiarities of the media landscape of the Russian propaganda information space), and synchronous method (focusing on the conditions of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine).
Results. The article characterizes the concepts of «narrative strategies», «communication strategies», «narrative bias», and «narrative regulation» in social communications. Despite the different platforms and target audiences, the narrative strategies of documentary content on the RT TV channel (on the example of the documentary «Maidan: Turn to War» (March 5, 2022)) and on the author’s YouTube channel «Stas wow how simple» (the documentary «Donbas Diary. How I was in the war») are absolutely identical. The Kremlin narratives are wrapped in blatant manipulation of human emotions, lack of facts, and are promoted by communication strategies of framing, priming, «agenda-setting», destructive multiplicity of narratives, as well as audiovisual tools of film narration, which help to regulate the narrative of the hostile information space.
The scientific novelty lies in the revealed mechanics of the use of communication strategies in the documentary content of the state television channel Russia Today (RT) and the author’s YouTube channel «Stas wow how simple» on the example of documentaries on the Revolution of Dignity and the Russian-Ukrainian war of 2014 for the narrative regulation of this issue in the information space.
Practical meaning. The practical significance of the study and the prospects of researching the narrative practices of the Russian-Ukrainian war are evidenced by the analyzed trends in the applied communication strategies of propaganda documentary content as a tool for narrative regulation in the information space, since the revealed narrativization allows us to trace grand narratives and sub-narratives, to identify concepts, means of their presentation – narrative strategies, communication strategies for their implementation, and the role of the so-called narrators-regulators who determine the narrative.
Key words: narrative bias, narrative regulation, dominant narratives, sub-narratives, communication strategies, documentary content.
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