A. Koval


The purpose of the study is to investigate what role the previous experience of authors and consumers of visual content plays in the representation and perception of visual images in social media.

Research methodology. Using the methods of analysis, synthesis, analogy, and abstraction, the article substantiates the role of experience and cognitive processes in visual communication in social media. The positive aspects and shortcomings of some approaches to the assessment of visual images are identified.

Results. Visual images are one of the most interesting and complex elements of modern culture. Images make it possible to overcome language and cultural, time and space barriers, to bring communication to a qualitatively new level. Despite the fact that various aspects of visual communication in general and visual images in particular are quite thoroughly presented in scientific opinion, the role of the experience of authors and consumers of visual content still needs theoretical and practical justification.

Novelty. One of the factors of visual communication in social media is the previous cognitive attitudes of its authors. The division of visual images into positive and negative does not allow using all the possibilities of this means of visual communication.

Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in the process of studying courses on visual communication and social media, with specialties «Journalism», «Advertising and Public Relations», «Information Affairs», as well as by media practitioners in the study of tools for shaping media reality.

Key words: visual images, social media, experience, cognitive attitudes, cognitive processes.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2023.1(53).8


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