The purpose of the study is to trace the specifics of podcasts on literary topics, clarify the peculiarities of their functioning in Ukrainian media resources, and determine their themes and the most common genre forms of representation.
Research methodology. To study the chosen topic and solve the set tasks, such research methods as analysis, synthesis, generalization, monitoring, and observation were chosen. The method of qualitative content analysis and statistical methods were also adopted. In particular, through monitoring and observation methods, an extensive array of podcasts dedicated to literature was identified, and the descriptive way allowed for the representation of their specificity. The method of qualitative content analysis was applied to identify the topics of literary podcasts, where the categories and units of study were the verbal elements of the content; with the help of statistical observation and grouping methods, we managed to summarize information about the genre priorities of podcasts about literature.
Results. The specificity of literary podcasts functioning has been identified, and the main mobile applications and media resources on which literature-related podcasts can be listened to have been determined (various podcasting platforms, websites for promoting reading and selling paper and audio books, YouTube channels and library websites, online radio stations, and other media). The most well-known literary podcasts in the Ukrainian segment of the internet during their existence have been characterized, their content has been described, and the most popular genre forms of presentation have been determined.
Scientific novelty. For the first time, information on Ukrainian literary podcasts has been summarized, the media resources where they can be listened to have been identified, and their topics and their genre forms of presentation have been determined.
Practical meaning. The scientific article will be relevant primarily for specialists involved in the preparation and dissemination of literature podcasts: journalists and radio presenters, writers, literary critics, librarians, and all those who are interested in literature. In addition, the materials are valuable for the practical activities of future media workers. The attention to literary podcasts contributes to popularizing writers, their works, and literature in general.
Key words: podcast, podcasting, podcast platform, literary podcast, podcast genre.
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