S. Panchenko


The study purpose is to outline the developing paradigm of new socio-cultural reality, changes in ideological priorities, and to reveal new cultural phenomena represented in media texts after February 24, 2022.

Research Methodology. The research applied such methods of scientific knowledge as: historical comparison that was used to analyze and systematize the data on changes in spiritual and cultural national baselines that emerged as the result of Ukrainian society transformation under wartime conditions and were described and reviewed in journalistic texts of a social and cultural nature; the method of data classification and compilation that enabled the clarification and description of vectors for the development of social and cultural content of personal journalism in leading socio-political and  День.ua web-based media.

Results. One of the key tasks of journalism in the frames of the social and cultural paradigm is the demythologization of concepts related to the aggressor country, the liberation from empire myths, and rewriting of history. This will benefit the decolonization of Ukrainian culture, which is a long and complicated (though very important) process, especially for the purposes of struggling for self-identification.

Due to the unstable and complex social situation under the conditions of Russian aggression, each individual has to realize his/her significance as a citizen and a feeling of spiritual exaltation. This is possible by constructing positive myths that actualise the universal spiritual values of the Ukrainian nation in particular and human civilization in general.

At this stage, the social and cultural role of journalism consists not only in spreading the realignment and unveiling artificial myths of the Soviet era but in producing positive national myths that will be aimed at strengthening and retaining national identity and will contribute to representing the image of Ukraine around the world.

Novelty. The paper makes an attempt to define the social and cultural role of journalism under the conditions of war; new cultural milestones aimed at realigning imperial myths and new cultural phenomena of national myth formation represented in journalistic texts after February 24, 2022, were set.

Practical significance. The research results could be used for the purpose of further developing personal journalism and representing new strategies of national identity formation to the mass media public.

Key words: socio-cultural role of journalism, national identity, ideological priorities, cultural phenomena, demythologization, formation of national myths.


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