S. Kataiev, Ya. Zoska


The purpose of the study is to analyze the ressentiment in the theoretical and specific historical aspects of the modern Russian-Ukrainian war.

Research methodology. The methods of the study are theoretical analysis and synthesis, sociological conceptualization of the phenomenon of hatred during the war.

Results. The result of the study is a generalization from the standpoint of sociology of hatred during the war. The article analyzes hatred towards the enemy during the war.

In sociological discourse, hatred is considered a component of ressentiment in the context of Max Scheler’s interpretation of this phenomenon. It is commonly believed that hatred towards the invading enemy, who is trying to destroy the country, is a manifestation of high morality and an additional motive for resistance. Hatred from the invader and aggressor is a manifestation of immorality and a low spiritual level. Ressentiment is self-poisoning of the soul. The press spreads ressentiment to strengthen the psychological component of war. Hatred irradiates all sides of the relationship. Everything that represents the hatred subject (clothes, speech, and anything else that is associated with this subject) also causes hatred.

The ressentiment type looks for reasons for aggression in everything. Revenge and hatred lead to the devaluation of existence and the world. What is more, hatred is not caused by the object’s properties but by the very negation and devaluation of existence and the essence of the relationship’s object.

Under the influence of ressentiment, a destructive position is formed. That is, reconciliation is impossible when there is ressentiment. The very fact of the enemy’s existence causes a desire to destroy them.

Russians have a radically erroneous picture of the world, which they do not want to change but are maniacally eager to follow. Their actions are influenced by an erroneous definition of the situation, which is realistic in its disastrous consequences.

Novelty. The article analyzes the ressentiment in the theoretical and specific historical aspects of the modern Russian-Ukrainian war.

The practical significance of the study is in the use of the formulated provisions to develop a concept of the ideological and political component of Russia’s war against Ukraine.

Key words: war, Ukraine, Russia, hatred, ressentiment, Max Scheler, social madness.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2023.1(53).18


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