A. Kyrychok


The purpose of the study is to reveal the role of information and psychological operations in crisis and communication response.

Research methodology. To achieve the goal of the research, general scientific methods of cognition and methods of system analysis, dialectical consideration of phenomena, events and processes, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction were used.

Results. Academic approaches to the definition of the «information and psychological operation» concept are analyzed, the main stages of its planning, organization, and implementation are characterized.

The author’s interpretation of the «information and psychological operation» concept is presented, which is a holistic system of pre-planned, coordinated and interconnected actions, manipulations based on the use of reliable or false information, as well as methods and forms of psychological influence by competent specialists of the adversary country, used to fully control individual and mass consciousness, transform their moods, feelings, and will in the desired direction, and disorientation, as well as for their disorientation.

It was found that to organize an information and psychological operation, methods of influencing the target audience with the help of the mass media, of the printed materials, radio, and video are used, as well as through communication to influence their attitudes or behavior model in order to achieve political and military objectives.

The main countermeasures against information and psychological operations and methods of offensive and defensive counterpropaganda are characterized.

Novelty. The understanding of the information and psychological operations role in crisis and communication response is generalized.

The practical significance of the obtained results is determined by the fact that the role of informational and psychological operations in crisis and communication response is identified. They can be used in developing an effective system of counteracting information and psychological operations in order to protect citizens from destructive information influences, which can be implemented within the strategic communications.

Key words: information war, information and psychological operation, propaganda, destabilization, manipulation, crisis and communication response.


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