The purpose of the study is to determine the specifics of the influence and level of effectiveness of modern sanctions and restrictive measures aimed at countering the spread of propaganda narratives of the mass media of the Russian Federation as an aggressor country.
Research methodology. To achieve the goal, the following methods were used: monitoring, grouping of disparate data, analysis, synthesis – to determine the specifics of the use of sanctions as a tool for countering informational aggression of the Russian Federation; observation, description and assessment, expert analysis – to determine the level of influence of the sanctions mechanism on the functioning of various segments of the Russian information and propaganda media sphere; generalization – for the formation of conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the implementation of special restrictive measures at the current stage.
The results. Specific features of the modern sanctions against the spread of propagandistic narratives by the mass media of the Russian Federation; the connection between special restrictive measures and the results of their influence on the functioning of the media sphere of the aggressor country is established.
Novelty. Generalized practice of the influence of special international restrictive measures directly on information processes taking place in the conditions of modern armed conflicts and wars.
Practical meaning. The obtained results can be used both for further research on the issue of the use of sanctions tools in international practice, and for increasing the effectiveness of modern countermeasures against informational aggression of the Russian Federation.
Key words: informational aggression, mass media, special restrictive measure, sanction pressure, effectiveness of influence, crisis phenomena.
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PDF (Українська)References
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